Category: Audio

  • Automated Recruiter Calls with Claude 3, ElevenLabs, and LlamaIndex

    Automated Recruiter Calls with Claude 3, ElevenLabs, and LlamaIndex

    The Challenges of Manual Recruiter Calls The traditional approach to recruiter calls is fraught with inefficiencies and pitfalls that can frustrate both candidates and hiring managers. One of the primary issues is the time-consuming nature of manual recruiting. Recruiters often find themselves overwhelmed with countless meetings, interviews, events, and phone calls, making it challenging to…

  • ElevenLabs: Automatically Translate Your Podcast into 27+ Languages

    ElevenLabs: Automatically Translate Your Podcast into 27+ Languages

    ElevenLabs, a trailblazing software company founded in 2022, is revolutionizing the world of podcasting and content creation with its cutting-edge AI voice technology. By harnessing the power of deep learning models, ElevenLabs enables users to generate lifelike spoken audio in any voice and style, making it an indispensable tool for podcasters looking to expand their…

  • Elevenlabs: Generating Beautiful Podcasts With Your AI Voice

    Elevenlabs: Generating Beautiful Podcasts With Your AI Voice

    Do you have a lot of incredible information to share, but cant find the motivation to create your first podcast episode? It can be easier than you think to get started with the AI tools available today. Imagine dumping all of your useful notes, research, and documents into a folder, then asking AI to read…